
Category Archives: Fitness

Can CrossFit Be Fun?

Many people look at a workout with disdain. They feel it’s something they must do, not something they want to do. Their doctor told them to lose weight or their spouse says they need to get in shape. Workouts can be anything but fun. Some see CrossFit as the ultimate workout but is it fun? … Continue reading Can CrossFit Be Fun?

What Is Mindfulness Meditation?

Mindfulness meditation, in a way, is self-explanatory. It is having an awareness of the present moment and accepting it for what it is. One of the aspects of mindfulness meditation is you become more objective about your emotions and thoughts. You learn to accept them without judgment and less of them pass without a struggle. … Continue reading What Is Mindfulness Meditation?

Regulating Hormones to Run

Women runners have a problem men don’t. Women have more and stronger hormone changes and that can affect how well you run and how hard you train. Estrogen is a hormone that is highly important to women. It helps women’s strength and is a key factor in endurance. Progesterone makes the need for oxygen greater … Continue reading Regulating Hormones to Run