Whether you’re an athlete or just experiencing the annoyances of aging, knee problems can become a frequent problem. But there are exercises that can help strengthen the muscles around the largest joint in the body. Here are a few worth trying if you’re experiencing knee pain. Wall squats (works the gluteal muscles and quads) Stand … Continue reading Exercises to Strengthen Your Knees
Category Archives: Fitness
Why Your VO2 Max Score is Better than Walking 10,000 Steps per Day
The ability of your body to supply oxygen to muscles during intense activity is a key indicator of health and fitness. To test your aerobic or cardiovascular fitness the VO2 max test is administered to establish how well oxygen is absorbed during intense activity. While men commonly have higher VO2max score than women, factors like … Continue reading Why Your VO2 Max Score is Better than Walking 10,000 Steps per Day
It’s Never Too Late to Increase Lifespan With Exercise
New research has found that the phrase, “better late than never” applies to exercise and extending your life. The new study set out to identify how changes in exercise—even later in life—can decrease your risk of dying from specific conditions or from any cause. The benefits of exercise Although there is plenty of research linking … Continue reading It’s Never Too Late to Increase Lifespan With Exercise
Stretching Can Improve Your Posture?
You know stretching is an important component in any pre- or post-exercise routine, but it can also improve your posture. How poor posture affects your health Poor posture isn’t just about how you look in terms of confidence. If your alignment is off, you can increase your risk of health problems, including everything from headaches, … Continue reading Stretching Can Improve Your Posture?
Yoga Keeps Body and Mind Young
Of all the exercising you can do, yoga may be one of the best for keeping your body and mind young. That’s because it’s low impact, requires little or no equipment (a mat or towel, at the most), can be done almost anywhere and has few restrictions for practitioners based on age or ability. In … Continue reading Yoga Keeps Body and Mind Young
Be Cautious of Shakes to Build Muscle Mass
Have you been living on protein shakes to build muscle mass? A new study has found that they may not be that safe—especially with long-term use. The research on shakes promising to build muscle mass A team from the University of Sydney looked at mice who were fed a diet high in branched-chain amino acids … Continue reading Be Cautious of Shakes to Build Muscle Mass
The Best Muscle-building Supplements
If you’re trying to build muscle, supplements—such as creatine and protein—can help. But it’s vital that you use them in moderation and at the right level of training. When to add muscle-building supplements If you’re a beginner to weightlifting, don’t worry about adding supplements. You’re likely to automatically build muscle quickly after you start resistance … Continue reading The Best Muscle-building Supplements
Exercise May Reduce Depression in Men Only
In a new study from a team at the University of Michigan found that neither moderate- or high-intensity exercise benefits depression in women—only men. The researchers looked at sleep patterns and exercise for over 1,100 students at Beijing University in China. Previous studies on depression This was somewhat surprising, as various studies have indicated that … Continue reading Exercise May Reduce Depression in Men Only
4 of the Best Stretches for Hip Pain
Although the causes of hip pain can be varied—injuries, muscle strains, arthritis or inflammatory disorders—stretching can do wonders to improve mobility. With the exception of those who have recently had a hip replacement, doing these stretching exercises at a gentle pace is safe for most people battling hip pain. Warm up your muscles first Before … Continue reading 4 of the Best Stretches for Hip Pain
The Best Foods to Eat After a Workout
Even if you’re not starving after your workout, there are some foods that can help you recover faster and build muscle. Your muscles during a workout During a workout, your body will rely on your muscles’ glycogen energy stores. During strength-training workouts, some of the muscle proteins get damaged. The good news is, eating the … Continue reading The Best Foods to Eat After a Workout