
Category Archives: Fitness

Why Your VO2 Max Score is Better than Walking 10,000 Steps per Day

The ability of your body to supply oxygen to muscles during intense activity is a key indicator of health and fitness. To test your aerobic or cardiovascular fitness the VO2 max test is administered to establish how well oxygen is absorbed during intense activity. While men commonly have higher VO2max score than women, factors like … Continue reading Why Your VO2 Max Score is Better than Walking 10,000 Steps per Day

The Best Muscle-building Supplements

If you’re trying to build muscle, supplements—such as creatine and protein—can help. But it’s vital that you use them in moderation and at the right level of training. When to add muscle-building supplements If you’re a beginner to weightlifting, don’t worry about adding supplements. You’re likely to automatically build muscle quickly after you start resistance … Continue reading The Best Muscle-building Supplements