
Category Archives: Fitness

5 Great Leg Exercises

Looking to add some leg exercises to your workout routine? Try these moves to improve the muscle in your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Walking lunge Instead of standing still to do lunges, try stepping forward with each lunge and dropping the trailing leg’s knee almost all the way to the ground. It decreases the stress … Continue reading 5 Great Leg Exercises

Excessive Exercise May Hurt Decision-Making Abilities

Researchers in France have found that excessive exercise may not just hurt your body, but also your brain. How too much exercise affects your brain Among endurance athletes, there’s something called “overtraining syndrome” that’s caused by too much intensive training. But a new study has found that exercise can fatigue your neural circuitry, specifically cognitive … Continue reading Excessive Exercise May Hurt Decision-Making Abilities

Meditation May Boost Brain Health

Although there is no current treatment for Alzheimer’s, new research seems to indicate that meditation may help mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is the first step toward the disease. Symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment Don’t worry if you’re experiencing some memory issues; it’s a normal part of aging. But MCI is beyond what physicians considered … Continue reading Meditation May Boost Brain Health

Top Tips for Doing Resistance Training for Healthy Aging

Older adults who exercise can add resistance training to increase their quality of life. By building muscle endurance, seniors can reduce their physical vulnerability, help ease the symptoms of chronic conditions, boost resilience and maintain their quality of life and independence. Sadly, many seniors don’t regularly incorporate resistance training into their exercise routine. But a … Continue reading Top Tips for Doing Resistance Training for Healthy Aging