If you’ve got a tight calf muscle and need some good stretches, check out this list of options to try before your next workout. The towel stretch Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front. Grasping both ends of a hand towel (not a full-size bath towel), toss the center of the … Continue reading Stretches for a Tight Calf Muscle
Category Archives: Fitness
Marathons May Decrease Vascular Age
Although almost any form of exercise is good for you, there’s new evidence that training for and running a marathon is particularly beneficial to reduce arterial stiffening. Studying the benefits of marathons A study of 138 first-time marathoners who were running in the London Marathons in 2016 and 2017 looked at the benefits of their … Continue reading Marathons May Decrease Vascular Age
After Exercise, This Supplement May Help Burn More Fat
Although exercise alone is a great way to burn fat, new research seems to point to the idea that a supplement called inulin-propionate ester (IPE) can strengthen that effect long after you’re done working out. Studying the supplement A study published in the journal Metabolism looked at the appetite suppressant IPE, which is produced by … Continue reading After Exercise, This Supplement May Help Burn More Fat
Relieving Constipation With Yoga
Most people don’t think of yoga as a way to relieve constipation, but there are some pieces of research that indicate yoga can be helpful. That’s because certain postures can manipulate your digestive tract, which, in turn, may help you pass gas or stool. Here are some poses that are worth trying. Cobra This is … Continue reading Relieving Constipation With Yoga
Important Supplements and Vitamins for Athletes
Do you consider yourself an athlete? If you’re like many men who try to stay in peak physical condition, you know that your diet may not always provide you with the vitamins and supplements you need to maintain proper energy and health. Here are some of the top nutritional supplements and vitamins to consider adding … Continue reading Important Supplements and Vitamins for Athletes
How to Heal an Exercise-Induced Sprained Ankle
If you’ve ever sprained your ankle during a workout, you know it can be not only painful, but also debilitating. From rest and physical therapy to icing and wrapping your ankle in an ace bandage, a sprain can be a pain in more ways than one. What’s a sprain exactly? If you’ve got a mild … Continue reading How to Heal an Exercise-Induced Sprained Ankle
Working Out When You’re Sick May Be Helpful
When you’re sick, working out may feel like the last thing you’d want to do. And while it’s a myth that you can sweat out illnesses by working out intensely, studies have shown that moderate exercise may help reduce the severity and length of common illnesses. When working out can make things worse There are … Continue reading Working Out When You’re Sick May Be Helpful
Causes of Headaches After Exercise
It’s not uncommon for some people to get headaches after they exercise, at least once in a while, especially if they haven’t been drinking enough fluids. Dehydration is pretty easy to detect, even for the layperson, because you’ll often feel thirsty, dizzy or fatigued. In addition, you may notice that you’re producing less urine or … Continue reading Causes of Headaches After Exercise
Even a Little Running Lowers Death Risk
New research says you don’t need to be running marathons—or even running daily—to lower your death risk. In fact, even a little running can lower your death risk by 27%. Currently, the World Health Organization suggests that adults should take part in a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical … Continue reading Even a Little Running Lowers Death Risk
Exercise Trumps Genetics to Fight Depression
Genetics can play a major role in depression but there’s new evidence that exercise may be an influential enough factor to help fight depression—even if it’s hereditary. Genetics, exercise and depression Researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital looked at data from nearly 8,000 people who had a diagnosis related to depression. They calculated each person’s … Continue reading Exercise Trumps Genetics to Fight Depression