REDUCE DAILY CALORIES To get your body fat level down low enough to reveal a six-pack, you will need to reduce your daily calories to a level where you are burning more calories than consuming. Each person is different and will require more or fewer calories depending on many factors, gender, body weight, body fat … Continue reading HOW TO GET A SIX PACK FAST… WITHOUT EVER TRAINING ABS (part 2: Nutrition)
Category Archives: Fitness
6 Ways to Exercise When You Hate To Work Out
We all need exercise, but the idea of going to the gym or running around the block isn’t appealing to everyone. In fact, some people really, really don’t like to work out. For those who aren’t motivated to join a spin class or turn the man cave into a weight room, here are some ways … Continue reading 6 Ways to Exercise When You Hate To Work Out
Battling COVID Stress? One Couple Says Meditation Worked for Them
COVID-19 has ushered in a new era of uncertainty. The pandemic has interrupted just about every corner of life. Health and finances are of utmost concern, but even going to get groceries and sending kids to school – things that were once no-brainers – are now a risk. With so much effected by COVID, it’s … Continue reading Battling COVID Stress? One Couple Says Meditation Worked for Them
Remove Stress From Your Life With These 4 Meditation Apps
We’re all living in a stressful world right now. The pandemic has caused so much uncertainty. From health concerns and job losses to decisions about reopening schools safely, many of us are swirling in a pit of stress every. single. day. Because of these hardships, it’s more important than ever to take some time for … Continue reading Remove Stress From Your Life With These 4 Meditation Apps
Get a Six Pack Fast… Without Training Abs? (part 1 of 2)
Getting a six-pack requires the correct training and an appropriate nutrition strategy. To reveal your abs, you need to reduce body fat. Mainly achieved through exercise and diet – you can’t do one without the other and expect to achieve great results. Let me make this clear! You do not get a six-pack by doing … Continue reading Get a Six Pack Fast… Without Training Abs? (part 1 of 2)
8 Pieces of Workout Equipment Every Home Gym Needs
There are plenty of easy and affordable ways to workout at home. Here’s a look at eight pieces of equipment you can use to set up your home gym – without taking up the entire space. 1. Resistance bands One of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can buy is a set of resistance … Continue reading 8 Pieces of Workout Equipment Every Home Gym Needs
Can Running Build Muscles?
Whether you’re an avid outdoor runner or a treadmill-loving gym-goer, you might be wondering if running will help you build muscle mass. The short is yes, but it all depends on how you run. How do you build muscles? The process to build muscle mass is actually quite interesting. To bulk up, your muscles need … Continue reading Can Running Build Muscles?
When You Fall of the Wellness Wagon, Here’s What to Do
You’re exercising, eating right, and feeling good. And then, something happens. It can be anything really. Maybe you get sick. Maybe you take a business trip. A hiccup in your routine throws off your diet and exercise. We’ve all been there. Once you fall off the wellness wagon, it’s not always easy to get back … Continue reading When You Fall of the Wellness Wagon, Here’s What to Do
4 Tips to Say Active During COVID
COVID-19 has changed a lot of things, including workout routines. Most gyms and fitness centers were ordered to close in an effort to contain the virus. Whether you plan to return to the gym when they reopen or not, there are still ways to stay active during this unusual time in our lives. To stay … Continue reading 4 Tips to Say Active During COVID
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise
Although both aerobic and anaerobic exercise are good for your body, they provide different benefits. Aerobic exercise These endurance-enhancing exercises increase your heart rate and breathing over longer durations. Think short bursts of intense activity, such as cycling, dancing, swimming, running or walking briskly. Exercises that require you to use your muscles in a rhythmic … Continue reading Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise