Your boss keeps texting. Your driver ran the company truck into a fence. You need some time to regroup and move ahead without stressing over the day’s craziness. Meditation is just what you need to settle into a better day at work. Why Meditate? You may not even realize how overwhelmed you’re feeling at work … Continue reading How and Why to Meditate at Work
Category Archives: Fitness
Curtail Overeating with Mindfulness
Are you a member of the “Clean Plate Club?” Are you constantly heading back for seconds? Are you craving that pie hiding in your fridge right now? If so, you can use meditation and mindfulness techniques to help curb your overeating. Emotions and Food Focusing on the WHY of what you eat can be the … Continue reading Curtail Overeating with Mindfulness
3 Best Crossfit Workouts of the Day
CrossFit is known for their intense challenging workouts. Below are 3 of the best all around workouts for a great full body cardio and strength workout. You’ll do burpees, lunges, and run a ton. 1. Bert This intense workout is named after the U.S. Marine Cpl. Albert Gettings. This workout is popular and performed quarterly … Continue reading 3 Best Crossfit Workouts of the Day
Top 3 Reasons To Start Crossfit
In the past 20 years, no fitness company has had a bigger impact and success than CrossFit. By this point, you’ve heard of CrossFit or know someone that is currently participating in the workouts. For some it’s to create a healthy lifestyle. For others it’s about the supportive community that has been created around them. … Continue reading Top 3 Reasons To Start Crossfit
CrossFit Workout Recovery: Try a Protein and Carb Combo
Oh, those achy leg muscles after your CrossFit workout! Check out pre-and post-supplements to see if you can get benefits. Recent research shows supplement use might help lower your oxygen use and repair damaged muscles. A bonus may be a decreased workout time. Who was involved in the research? The study took place over a … Continue reading CrossFit Workout Recovery: Try a Protein and Carb Combo
4 CrossFit Myths Debunked
Are you thinking about trying CrossFit? If so, you’ve probably done some research, talked to a few people, or maybe even tried a class or two. As you first begin, you may have come across a few myths about the routines. To make sure you know what’s real and what’s fake, we’re debunking CrossFit myths … Continue reading 4 CrossFit Myths Debunked
What is the Goal of Meditation?
Meditation is a great way to alleviate stress, and in these difficult times, more and more people are considering it as a way to calm their nerves. As you ponder meditation and how it fits in your life, you’re probably also wondering what the goal of such an exercise is. To help, here’s what experts … Continue reading What is the Goal of Meditation?
Top 5 Marathon Race Tips
While many running events are canceled right now due to the Coronavirus, some organizations are shifting to virtual events. Whether you’re running a solo race on your local streets or are waiting until the lively events come back, here are some tips to run your best race: 1. Don’t overdress At the starting line, it … Continue reading Top 5 Marathon Race Tips
6 Tips to Create Your Own Meditation Space
Life is stressful right now, especially with mounting concerns over the Coronavirus. One of the best ways to manage stress is to meditate. However, it’s best to meditate in a dedicated space that helps you relax and unwind. This doesn’t require a huge remodeling project, it just requires some creativity. You can turn even a … Continue reading 6 Tips to Create Your Own Meditation Space
Guys, Are You Stretching? 3 Reasons You Should Be
Do you stretch before and after a workout? Do you do a little stretching to ease tense muscles in the afternoon or squeeze in a 10-minute stretching routine before bed? No? A lot of men don’t stretch. Why? A lot of guys assume it’s unnecessary or “unmanly” to do. The truth is, stretching has a … Continue reading Guys, Are You Stretching? 3 Reasons You Should Be