We’d all like to think we can excel at anything we put our mind to, but let’s face it, meditation scares the heck out of people, especially men. In the modern world where people are connected 24/7, it seems truly impossible to quiet down long enough to make any lasting meaning out of meditation. But … Continue reading 4 Ways to Quiet Your Brain in Order to Mediate
Category Archives: Meditation
Break Free From Migraine Pain with Mindfulness
Throbbing pain, nausea and sensitivity to light and sound are some of the worst symptoms of a migraine headache. Some men can have five or more headaches a month and this interferes with work, home and social life. Although medications can lessen the pain, some have side effects and are expensive. Choosing mindfulness meditation may … Continue reading Break Free From Migraine Pain with Mindfulness
How and Why to Meditate at Work
Your boss keeps texting. Your driver ran the company truck into a fence. You need some time to regroup and move ahead without stressing over the day’s craziness. Meditation is just what you need to settle into a better day at work. Why Meditate? You may not even realize how overwhelmed you’re feeling at work … Continue reading How and Why to Meditate at Work
Curtail Overeating with Mindfulness
Are you a member of the “Clean Plate Club?” Are you constantly heading back for seconds? Are you craving that pie hiding in your fridge right now? If so, you can use meditation and mindfulness techniques to help curb your overeating. Emotions and Food Focusing on the WHY of what you eat can be the … Continue reading Curtail Overeating with Mindfulness
What is the Goal of Meditation?
Meditation is a great way to alleviate stress, and in these difficult times, more and more people are considering it as a way to calm their nerves. As you ponder meditation and how it fits in your life, you’re probably also wondering what the goal of such an exercise is. To help, here’s what experts … Continue reading What is the Goal of Meditation?
6 Tips to Create Your Own Meditation Space
Life is stressful right now, especially with mounting concerns over the Coronavirus. One of the best ways to manage stress is to meditate. However, it’s best to meditate in a dedicated space that helps you relax and unwind. This doesn’t require a huge remodeling project, it just requires some creativity. You can turn even a … Continue reading 6 Tips to Create Your Own Meditation Space
Battling COVID Stress? One Couple Says Meditation Worked for Them
COVID-19 has ushered in a new era of uncertainty. The pandemic has interrupted just about every corner of life. Health and finances are of utmost concern, but even going to get groceries and sending kids to school – things that were once no-brainers – are now a risk. With so much effected by COVID, it’s … Continue reading Battling COVID Stress? One Couple Says Meditation Worked for Them
Remove Stress From Your Life With These 4 Meditation Apps
We’re all living in a stressful world right now. The pandemic has caused so much uncertainty. From health concerns and job losses to decisions about reopening schools safely, many of us are swirling in a pit of stress every. single. day. Because of these hardships, it’s more important than ever to take some time for … Continue reading Remove Stress From Your Life With These 4 Meditation Apps
Tips to Meditate and Calm Anxiety Amid COVID-19
COVID-19 has swept across the nation. In its wake are major health concerns, financial hardships, and an uncertain future. It’s not surprising that this virus has caused a lot of stress and anxiety for many people. “Anxiety is not right, and it is not wrong. It is just part of the human experience,” says Kristin … Continue reading Tips to Meditate and Calm Anxiety Amid COVID-19
Meditation May Boost Brain Health
Although there is no current treatment for Alzheimer’s, new research seems to indicate that meditation may help mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is the first step toward the disease. Symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment Don’t worry if you’re experiencing some memory issues; it’s a normal part of aging. But MCI is beyond what physicians considered … Continue reading Meditation May Boost Brain Health