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All posts by lisam

What is “Ugly Cholesterol”?

Men watching their cholesterol probably know about the “good” and the “bad,” but what about the “ugly”? Yes, there’s something called “ugly cholesterol,” and it’s a term used to describe remnant particle cholesterol. The good, the bad and the ugly Previously, doctors were only focused on four things related to cholesterol: High-density lipoprotein (HDL) or … Continue reading What is “Ugly Cholesterol”?

The Moon’s Effects on Sleep

The moon influences everything from tides to corals, but does it affect our sleep? Studying moon cycles and sleep In the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, researchers conducted studies to try to determine if women’s menstrual cycles were affected by the moon. Although the studies may have been too small to confirm anything, some of the … Continue reading The Moon’s Effects on Sleep

Meditation May Boost Brain Health

Although there is no current treatment for Alzheimer’s, new research seems to indicate that meditation may help mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is the first step toward the disease. Symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment Don’t worry if you’re experiencing some memory issues; it’s a normal part of aging. But MCI is beyond what physicians considered … Continue reading Meditation May Boost Brain Health

Can Men Have Dry Orgasms?

The technical name for an orgasm without ejaculation is called orgasmic anejaculation , although many men just refer to it as a “dry orgasm.” There a few reasons a man won’t release semen during an orgasm; some are temporary, but others are permanent. For the most part, dry orgasms are harmless, although they can affect … Continue reading Can Men Have Dry Orgasms?

Chia Seeds and Weight Loss

Can chia seeds—which are considered a superfood—really help with weight loss? Although some research has indicated that they might, the results weren’t necessarily significant in terms of weight loss. Two studies on weight loss In a 2014 study, 26 people were split into two groups. One group ate a placebo and one group consumed 35 … Continue reading Chia Seeds and Weight Loss