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All posts by lisam

Diabetes May Cause Anxiety

A 2013 meta-analysis of 12,626 people found a link between diabetes and anxiety. Estimates report that anxiety affects approximately 40% of diabetics. But what would cause the correlation between the two? Healthcare professionals put together a list of ways diabetes may cause or contribute to anxiety.  Possible causes For people with diabetes, it can be … Continue reading Diabetes May Cause Anxiety

What’s So Great About Quinoa?

Quinoa has been popping up in grocery stores, recipes and restaurants at a record pace this past year—with good reason. The whole grain offers lots of health benefits and there are more than 120 different types of quinoa. Nutritional benefits Although quinoa is a great plant-based source of protein, it’s certainly not exclusive to vegetarian … Continue reading What’s So Great About Quinoa?

Research: Lack of Sleep Significantly Decreases Cognitive Function

If you’re not getting enough sleep, it may be significantly affecting your cognitive function. In fact, new research shows that sleep deprivation creates significant lapses in attention and placekeeping errors. Placekeeping errors are mistakes following complex procedures.  How bad is sleep deprivation? A team of scientists from Michigan State University’s Sleep and Learning Lab wanted … Continue reading Research: Lack of Sleep Significantly Decreases Cognitive Function

Causes of Discharge in Men

Have you noticed discharge coming out of your penis? If so, don’t be alarmed. Sometimes it’s totally normal. Here’s a quick rundown of causes of discharge in men, when it’s nothing to worry about and when to see a doctor. What is normal discharge? Discharge is a general term to describe any non-urine fluid that … Continue reading Causes of Discharge in Men