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All posts by lisam

Choosing a Dress Shoe

So, you’ve finally picked a few great outfits for the workplace. But what about the dress shoes? Choose a dress shoe isn’t as simple as picking “something black.” There are loafers, Oxfords, derbies, monk straps, boots and even pumps for men. We’ve put together a basic guide to help you choose the right shoe based … Continue reading Choosing a Dress Shoe

Excess Iron Raises Stroke Risk

According to a new study, people with higher levels of iron are at a greater risk of having a stroke. Iron and strokes The researchers at Imperial College London found that people with “genetically determined higher” iron levels were at a greater risk of strokes that result from a blood clot or other obstacle traveling … Continue reading Excess Iron Raises Stroke Risk

Tips for Choosing a Tuxedo

If you’re headed to a formal event and have decided to invest in a tuxedo, spend the money to get a good one! As an adult, you’ve likely stopped growing (at least upwards!) and will probably make good use of it over the next few years. The 411 on Tuxedos Buying a tuxedo can be … Continue reading Tips for Choosing a Tuxedo