Although you may know when you have more energy to exercise, you may not be aware that there’s are times of the day where we burn more calories. When you burn more calories A study published in Current Biology found that we burn 10% more calories later in the day, no matter what we’re doing. … Continue reading Time of Day You Burn Most Calories
All posts by lisam
Everyone May Benefit From Low-Gluten Diet
A new study indicates that even people who aren’t allergic to gluten can benefit from a low-gluten diet. How a low-gluten diet helps the body A team of researchers at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark held a randomized trial of 60 healthy adults. None … Continue reading Everyone May Benefit From Low-Gluten Diet
4 Subtypes of Obesity Identified
Most people know that obesity brings with it a lot of health issues, including increased risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. But new research indicates that there are four subtypes of obesity, making it even more difficult to treat with one single approach. New research on obesity Analyzing … Continue reading 4 Subtypes of Obesity Identified
Choosing the Right Shoes for Exercise
Looking to buy shoes for running, squash or hiking? It’s important that you know the difference between the categories, how to find a properly fitting pair of shoes for the type of exercise you’ll be doing and how often to replace them. Consider these tips: Choose a category Athletic shoes can be groups into three … Continue reading Choosing the Right Shoes for Exercise
Basic Grooming Tips for Men
Grooming can feel like an endless chore, especially for men with excessively fast-growing hair. But regular maintenance is necessary to look (and smell!) attractive and professional, not to mention that some types of grooming—such as brushing and flossing—can keep your mouth, gums and heart healthy! Brush up on some basic tips to help you looking … Continue reading Basic Grooming Tips for Men
7 High-fat Foods You Don’t Need to Avoid
High-fat foods are not necessarily your enemy. Your body needs fat to help with things like memory, hormone function and nutrient absorption. High-fat foods also contribute to a feeling of fullness and they can slow down the digestion of carbohydrates. The key is to understand which high-fat foods (such as those containing polyunsaturated fats and … Continue reading 7 High-fat Foods You Don’t Need to Avoid
Tips to Lose Belly Fat
Losing belly fat can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. If you’ve put on a few pounds (or more) around your abdomen, it’s important to know that excess belly fat can increase your risk for a lot of health concerns, including heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, color cancer, asthma and Alzheimer’s. … Continue reading Tips to Lose Belly Fat
Natural Pigment May Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk
A new study has found that the pigment found in some fruits and vegetables may help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Research from Northumbria University in the UK found that when ingested in high quantities, anthocyanin, the pigment that gives produce its red, purple and blue color, reduced the risk of developing coronary heart … Continue reading Natural Pigment May Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Blue Light May Decrease Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a concern for many American men, but new research indicates that blue light may provide a safe and cost-effective alternative to medication. Reducing blood pressure without drugs A study from the University of Surrey in the UK and Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf in Germany determined that blue light exposure appears to … Continue reading Blue Light May Decrease Blood Pressure
Virotherapy May Eventually Cure Cancer
There’s great news on the cancer front! A team of researchers from Japan and New Zealand has found that the Seneca Valley virus appears to kill cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. Understanding virotherapy’s work in killing cancer Using biotechnology to turn viruses into the anti-disease agent, scientists have been able to use the Seneca … Continue reading Virotherapy May Eventually Cure Cancer