A single workout appears to be enough to boost metabolic benefits for two days.
All posts by lisam
Being a Night Owl Might Hurt Your Health
A new study indicates that being a night owl might hurt your health.
Social Media Only Adds to Narcissism
If you’re already a narcissist, social media might be making your condition worse
Anxiety During a Hangover May Cause Hangxiety
Shy people are more likely to experience anxiety during a hangover, which may also signal a higher risk of alcohol dependence.
6 Fashion Mistakes to Avoid
When it comes to fashion, we’ll give you the benefit of the doubt: you know better than to wear white socks with black pants. But that was an easy one. What about things like tie bars, sleeve length and accessorizing? Here are style “must-don’ts” to keep you looking fresh. Don’t wear your jacket sleeves too … Continue reading 6 Fashion Mistakes to Avoid
Alcohol Use Disorder Profiles by Age
How much alcohol is too much? If you take the clinical route, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders can offer insight. Deciphering alcohol use disorder According to the manual, if the patient meets two of 11 criteria during a 12-month period, they are considered to have alcohol use disorder (AUD). More broadly, AUD … Continue reading Alcohol Use Disorder Profiles by Age
Pulsed radiofrequency may help that lower back pain
Got lower back pain? If you haven’t had any luck with traditional therapies, you may want to try pulsed radiofrequency. A new study from Sapienza University of Rome found that this alternative technique may effectively and safely relieve acute lower back pain. How pulsed radiofrequency helps lower back pain The research, which was presented at … Continue reading Pulsed radiofrequency may help that lower back pain
Technology before bed can disrupt your sleep
Just as extended exposure to light at night can disrupt your sleep and damage your health, so too, can screen time before bed. Understanding our circadian rhythm A new study from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies found that using tablets, laptops or smartphones before ben can mess with your circadian rhythm. This, in turn, … Continue reading Technology before bed can disrupt your sleep
Healthy people may prevent a heart attack with exercise
Although most people know that exercise is good for you, there’s new evidence that supports the theory that even healthy people may help prevent a heart attack by exercising regularly. The new study, which was published in European Heart Journal, indicates that even men and women with no signs of cardiovascular problems can have a heart … Continue reading Healthy people may prevent a heart attack with exercise
Avoid memory loss by eating fruits and vegetables
Concerned about memory loss? Eating more fruits and vegetables may be all it takes to protect your brain. Research on memory and diet A team of researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health looked at the data from a 26-year study that followed 27,842 men. The men had answered questions about food … Continue reading Avoid memory loss by eating fruits and vegetables