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All posts by lisam

Purple Corn May Help Diabetes

Men with type 2 diabetes may be aware that certain foods can help control their blood sugar levels. But while white and yellow corn isn’t known for its ability to help diabetics, new research suggests that the chemicals in purple corn might. That’s because the new study found that the pigment chemicals appear to reduce … Continue reading Purple Corn May Help Diabetes

7 Types of Meditation to Try

Meditation is kind of like sports: if you fail the first time, it doesn’t mean you give up sports altogether. It simply means you haven’t found the right sport! Many people don’t realize that there are lots of subtypes of meditation, making it more likely that you’ll find one that suits you. Some people choose … Continue reading 7 Types of Meditation to Try

Switching Digital Devices Frequently May Make You Fat

Do you frequently switch back and forth between your smartphone and other digital devices? There’s new evidence that these constant tugs on our attention could be putting us at risk of developing unhealthy eating habits. The research on digital devices Three institutions—Rice University, Dartmouth College and The Ohio State University—joined forces to study the effects … Continue reading Switching Digital Devices Frequently May Make You Fat

Alternative Types of Yogurt

You know yogurt is good for your gut, full of calcium and protein, and generally a healthy snack. But are you aware that there are multiple kinds, beyond the traditional offering? Here are some alternative types of to consider. Lactose-free If you can’t tolerate the lactose in dairy, you can still eat traditional yogurt made … Continue reading Alternative Types of Yogurt