For men who enjoy following the seasonal fashion trends, the fall 2019 runway line-ups did not disappoint. From futuristic looks to twists on more traditional men’s fashion, the only word that accurately describes the look of autumn while allowing for subjective taste is “interesting.” Here are some of the trends you’ll see this fall. Whether … Continue reading Men’s Fashion Trends for Fall 2019
All posts by lisam
Bacterial Supplement Improves Metabolic Syndrome
If you have prediabetes or are at risk for cardiovascular conditions, you’ll want to read about the benefits of a bacterial supplement containing Akkermansia muciniphila. Although a 2016 had shown that the bacterial supplement can prevent obesity and obesity-related type 2 diabetes in mice, the same research team wanted to show it could do the … Continue reading Bacterial Supplement Improves Metabolic Syndrome
New Urine Test Can Diagnose Prostate Cancer Earlier
Scientists in the UK have created a urine test that can detect aggressive prostate cancer much earlier than previous methods. In fact, the Prostate Urine Risk (PUR) test distinguishes between aggressive and non-aggressive cancers up to 5 years earlier than through other means. Finding biomarkers The researchers started by analyzing the gene expression in urine … Continue reading New Urine Test Can Diagnose Prostate Cancer Earlier
Spinach Extract Increases Muscle Strength
Trying to build your muscle strength? Take a cue from Popeye and eat your spinach extract! A new study from researchers at the Freie Universitat in Germany found that the active compound in spinach may search as an athletic performance enhancer by significantly boosting muscle strength. Spinach is a superfood Most experts already agree that … Continue reading Spinach Extract Increases Muscle Strength
Think You Have Diabetes? Here Are Potential Tests
The symptoms of diabetes don’t appear overnight, but sometimes it can be detected in early stages with the right medical test. There are several tests that can be done to detect type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. This article focuses on the first two types. Type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetics produce insulin, but … Continue reading Think You Have Diabetes? Here Are Potential Tests
Bugs May Be the New Superfood
Eating bugs may seem like something they do at Special Forces training, but now the creepy crawlies may be considered a superfood. It might be hard to stomach the idea of eating bugs in the United States, but plenty of other cultures eat insects as a regular part of their diet. Bugs have been shown … Continue reading Bugs May Be the New Superfood
Research: Weight Loss Efforts Are Hindered by Poor Sleep
You’ve been eating healthy and exercising to lose weight, but are you getting enough sleep? There’s new evidence that disrupted sleep or an insufficient amount of sleep can impede your efforts to lose weight. The research The researchers looked at the data from nearly 2,000 men and women over the course of 12 months. The … Continue reading Research: Weight Loss Efforts Are Hindered by Poor Sleep
Tips for Experimenting in the Bedroom
For the most part, experts agree that there are few long-term risks associated with anal sex, if it’s done in a safe and hygienic manner. Even still, men considering anal sex with their partner should familiarize themselves with the potential risks and how to prevent or minimize injuries or infections if they do occur. Consider … Continue reading Tips for Experimenting in the Bedroom
4 Practical Tips for a First Date
If you’re new to the dating scene or the idea of meeting up with a stranger makes you anxious, we’ve got some tips to help make that first date less intimidating. We can’t guarantee you’ll meet your future spouse, but this advice might help take the sting out of breaking the ice on your first … Continue reading 4 Practical Tips for a First Date
What is the Endomorph Diet?
Have you heard of the Endomorph Diet? It’s not a general meal plan for everyone to follow to lose weight, but rather a diet designed to help people with a particular body type. Defining endomorphs The term was coined by William Sheldon in 1940. The psychologist categorized bodies into three main types: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and … Continue reading What is the Endomorph Diet?