Wellness Sleep

woman in bed staring at clock

What to do if you Just Cannot Sleep

Sleep is an important part of life. When you lack good quality sleep you are only letting yourself be vulnerable to health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and depression.

Sleep can still be a struggle even if you follow all the right things to do like exercising regularly, staying away from alcohol, and keeping your room dark and silent.

Fortunately, it’s not always a cause for concern because the difference between sleeplessness and insomnia is the anxiety you choose to bring to the situation.

But still, it does not make it any less annoying. If you are having a hard time dozing off, here are some of the things you should and shouldn’t do.

Stay away from technology

If you’re thinking that tuning in on the television or scrolling through your phone to pass the time may help you feel sleepy you are wrong.

The bright lights from your screen or referred to as the blue light impedes sleep because they repress the
production of melatonin which is the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle.

Enjoy the rest as you deserve it

Stressing the fact that you have to sleep at this time because you are trying to make sure to have a complete night’s rest before getting to work does not help. Because sometimes the more you focus on the clock ticking creates this unnecessary panic.

Resting alone is greatly beneficial to your mind and body. This fact is commonly overlooked because we have this mindset that rest is synonymous with sleep. Resting is a way to get your mind and body to relax.

Being unable to sleep is nothing to be afraid of, let yourself off the hook and just enjoy your peace in the dark. You will enjoy more benefits with sleep than staying awake beyond the recommended sleep hours.

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