Avid runners will run in all kinds of weather whether it’s rain, snow, or just cold temperatures. Some say the cooler weather is more exhilarating. Cold air is supposedly good for the lungs too.
However, there is a temperature threshold where running becomes dangerous.
When to know its too cold
It is mostly up to the runner to determine how cold is too cold. Everybody is different and some people’s
bodies can handle the stress of cold temperatures better than others. Those who have the proper weather gear do just fine most of the time.
Protecting yourself while running
Besides wearing proper clothing and gear, there are other things runners should do when they run in extreme temperatures. First, you should watch your breathing. Cold air can lead to respiratory problems so you should avoid breathing through your mouth. Wear a mask.
It’s also smart to protect your phone because that is your emergency communication. There are cold cases that runners can use to protect their cell phone batteries.
Warm up quickly afterward. Take a hot shower and put on warm clothes. Drink something hot.
Signs of cold stress
When cooler temperatures are combined with other factors like wind or wet weather, it can cause stress on your body. This can happen even when it’s 50 degrees outside as well as below freezing temperatures.
General signs of cold stress are respiratory problems, muscle cramps, and dehydration. You should move to a warm environment if you start feeling bad. Remove cold and wet clothes and put on warm, dry ones. Stay next to warm air for a while wrapped up in a blanket and drink warm things like soup or tea.
Running in cold weather can be an awesome experience but make sure you stay safe by knowing your limits. Pay attention to what your body is telling you and be willing to stop if you need to get warm.