
What you Need to Know About Hypertension

Most people know that high blood pressure or hypertension is a serious condition. What many people don’t know is that hypertension can lead to other health problems if left untreated.

This article will touch on the key points you should be aware of.

Getting good rest can prevent hypertension

Most people’s blood pressure decreases during the deepest stage of sleep, known as delta state sleep. This is normal and healthy. Without this decrease in blood pressure at night, you are more at risk for heart disease or hypertension.

Typically, people spend 90 minutes to two hours per night in delta state sleep; however, men who get less deep sleep each evening were found to be more prone to developing hypertension than those who got a deeper amount of sleep at night.

Hypertension can affect people of all ages

Many people believe this condition only affects older individuals, but that’s actually not the case. In fact, high blood pressure is a leading cause of stroke and rates are rising among younger generations. Increased risk for stroke is linked directly to certain unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as obesity and smoking.

If you consume excessive salt, it raises your blood pressure

Excess sodium intake can cause your body to retain water, which in turn puts additional strain on your heart and circulatory system. Those who already have high blood pressure or are more likely to develop hypertension.

Symptoms of hypertension

Hypertension is often dubbed a “silent killer” because most people are unaware of the problem until it’s too late. This is why measuring blood pressure regularly is essential. The potential symptoms of the condition are:

  • Headaches that occur in the morning
  • Nosebleeds
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Vision changes
  • Shortness of breath

While people can use automated machines to estimate their blood pressure, a health evaluation from a
professional is vital for risk and condition assessment.

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