If warming up is important before working out or doing any physical activities, cooling down is just as crucial. Many people go from intense gym workouts or playing sports straight into the shower rooms, which is not very good.
There are many benefits to cooling down after working out, such as better mobility and flexibility, reduced risks of injury, and faster recovery after intense physical activity.
If that is the case, can PNF stretching help you recover from workouts?
What is PNF stretching?
First, let’s talk about PNF stretching. For those who are not familiar, PNF stretching is short for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching. It is a form of assisted stretching where a partner or trainer helps you achieve deeper stretches you cannot do by yourself.
How does it work?
A trainer will help you raise your legs and arms into positions that could cause mild discomfort and hold it in position for about 10 seconds. However, PNF needs to be performed correctly to get the benefits and avoid
injuries, so make sure you get help from someone who knows what they are doing.
Can it help you recover from workouts?
Yes, because PNF stretching can improve flexibility and mobility when your body is still warm after working out, it can improve your flexibility for your next workout. It will allow you to perform better if you keep doing PNF stretches after working out as part of your routine.
Note that PNF stretches only work better when cooling down instead of warming up. Research shows that it can decrease weightlifting performance when used as a warm-up.
The same research explains that when weightlifters do PNF stretches when cooling down, it significantly helps them boost their range of motion for better performance the next time they work out. Plus, it helps them lead to better recovery with only a few sore muscles.