Many that have ongoing problems sleeping want something they can buy that will give them a quick solution. Some of the items available both in drugstores and online are natural melatonin and similar supplements. Do these supplements work? Are they safe to take regularly?
Types of supplements
Supplements come in many forms and contain different things both natural and chemical. Most people like the idea of using natural, non-addictive supplements like melatonin, passionflower, or magnesium. These types of supplements are non-addictive and have no negative side effects if used properly.
The results
Melatonin is incredibly popular among travelers because it lessens jet lag effects. Melatonin is a hormone the body produces that affects sleep cycles so adding the supplement makes sense. Results show it helps those with ongoing sleep disorders and quickens the time it takes for people to fall asleep.
The effects of passionflower are still being studied in several countries. So far, effectiveness relates to how it’s consumed. Studies show those who took an extract had better sleep results than those who drank tea made with it.
Magnesium seems to be related to how it regulates the production of melatonin, according to studies. The mineral helps people quieten their minds and relax.
Choosing a Natural Sleep Aid
Those seeking a natural sleep aid should always consider the manufacturer. Those with good reputations are plentiful so stick to more well-known brands. Read the labels to understand what is in the sleep aid. Even though it says “natural,” the law allows manufacturers to still put other things in it.
Also, it’s important to understand the difference between “natural” and “organic.” Phrases like “non-GMO” are also important. That means nothing in the product was genetically modified in a lab or grown from
genetically modified seeds.
Many natural sleep aids are on the market and can help resolve nighttime issues.
Choose one that is non-addictive to get some shut-eye.