Sexual Health

Male on phone in bed

How Using Electronic Devices at Night Can Affect Your Sperm Quality

You might not find a connection, but using electronic devices can affect your sperm quality. If you are trying to have kids or plan on having kids in the future, you should definitely read this article.

It will explain how using electronic devices at night can affect your sperm count and sperm quality. If you are interested to know more, make sure you keep reading about the disadvantages of electronic devices to sperm quality.

Does screen time affect sperm quality?

Studies show that men who use electronic devices frequently at night correlate to reduced sperm quality, particularly sperm motility– which is the ability for sperm to swim properly and reach the egg cells for fertilization.

The study also concludes that it also affects sperm concentration, significantly reducing its quality. Although it all comes down to screen time taking away longer sleep duration, which can also be a factor in why their sperm quality is declining.

Watching videos on your phone, scrolling through the social media rabbit hole, or binge-watching your
favorite shows can cause you to lose sleep, which means you tend to get tired during the day.

With that being said, the same study shows that having enough sleep and limiting yourself from using
electronic devices at night can bring your sperm quality back up and increase its motility.

Potential issues

Although much more research is needed to conclude the studies, It is still best to get enough sleep and limit screen time at night, especially if you want to have a healthy reproductive system.

Some of the potential issues of screen time at night are problems with endocrine and effects on melatonin, which is a hormone that you need to get sleepy.

People can’t refrain from using electronic devices like laptops, tablets, TVs, or smartphones. But the best
option is to limit yourself at night to ensure a healthier body and improve your way of living.

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