
5 Benefits of Drinking a Moderate Amount of Beer

Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol may be bad for your health and your system.

Although there are some risks to drinking beer and other types of alcohol excessively, there are also some benefits when you drink beer at a moderate amount.

Here are the 5 benefits of drinking beer moderately.

1. Beer may help protect your heart

Drinking beer will make it less likely for you to suffer from heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks. Although it may be hard to believe, drinking just the right amount of beer can lower these deadly risks.

2. Beer can prevent kidney stones

Drinking beer can also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. Men and women who are drinking a
moderate amount of beer significantly reduce the risks of developing a stone because beer contains hops, which are rich in health-promoting phytochemicals.

3. Beer can strengthen your bones

Because beer has a high silicon content, beer can help make your bones stronger. However, it is not advisable to substitute other dietary supplements to make your bones stronger– which is also the reason why underage people should not drink. Remember it can only help make your bones stronger if you drink beer at a moderate amount.

4. Beer lowers bad cholesterol

If you have bad cholesterol like triglycerides and LDL, drinking a fair amount of beer that contains soluble fiber can lower these bad cholesterol levels and promote healthy blood-sugar levels as well. However, beer can also affect your body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals and the ability to burn stored fat.

5. Beer is healthier than other alcoholic drinks

Although wine has many antioxidants, beer also has a large amount of antioxidants that could benefit your health. Beer contains flavonoids in barley and hops, which are different from the antioxidants you may find in wine. Beer has higher protein content. Plus, it also contains fiber, calcium, iron, phosphates, and more.

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