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Are Women Less Fertile Now?

Many women online talk about fertility issues and that is leading some to question just how big a problem is infertility in modern society.

Reports indicate that infertility is rising in the United States, the United Kingdom and in Australia.

Medical researchers state reasons for the decline is mostly because women are waiting until they are older to start having children, environmental factors and a change in lifestyle.

The United States

Those in the United States have seen a steady decline in fertility rates.

It dipped significantly in 2018 where it was down 2 percent from 2017, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

American women are having less children too with the latest average being 1.73 children over a lifetime.

The United Kingdom

Those living in the UK have noticed a decline in fertility for some time with some saying the trend goes back 60 years.

The Office for National Statistics reported in 2019 that birth rates in both England and Wales hit a new low in 2018, like it did in the U.S.

The report compared rates from 1947, reporting 20.5 live births per 1,000 people, to the 2018 rate of just 11.1 births per 1,000 people.


Reports from the Department of Health state one in 6 Australian couples experience infertility.

There’s no question of a drop in babies being born but doctors say the causes are easily explained by an
increased age in women having babies, a change in lifestyle and environmental factors.

Other Factors

Environmental factors affect both men and women and many medical professionals believe it started
causing lower-quality sperm beginning in the 1970s.

The biggest lifestyle changes that have dramatically affected fertility are more people being chronically
overweight and smoking, according to Australian doctors.


You are not alone in dealing with infertility because women all over the world are dealing with it.

The place to start in dealing with it is to create the healthiest lifestyle for yourself and your partner in
consultation with your doctor.

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