Wellness Gout

Diagnosis paper: Gout

Gout: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

It must have been tough knowing that every time someone invites you to a party, you always have to stay mindful of the food you eat.

Deciding to feast too much on food without staying on top of your limits can take a toll on your health in the long run.

Before you splurge on your favorite snacks, you should at least know the symptoms of gout and be made aware if your kidney or any part of your body needs to be checked for precautions.

Symptoms of gout

When it comes to gout, any joint can get affected. Here are its most common symptoms.

  • Pain in one or more joints
  • When you touch the affected area it becomes warm and very tender
  • Swollen in the affected joints
  • Can sometimes experience mild fever
  • You can notice reddish or shiny skin in affected areas
  • Joint stiffness

Causes and treatment

Gout is caused by an excessive amount of uric acid in your blood which eventually crystallizes in your joints, and develops inflammation.

Gout can also be activated from some medications you take, alcoholic beverages, high-purine foods, and too much sugar.

Everyone is capable of experiencing gout, but, indeed, men are more at risk.

This can be prevented by making a conscious effort to change your lifestyle, and being more responsible by taking care of your body.

If you suspect that you’re starting to experience gout it’s better to see a doctor help you with your tests and carefully assess your symptoms.

Tests may include a joint fluid test, blood tests, x-ray imaging, ultrasound, and dual-energy computerized tomography.

After this process and your doctor confirms that you are experiencing gout symptoms your doctor can
prescribe a proper medication that works best for you.

There are two types of gout medications and they focus on different specific problems.

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