Most people call it the rich man’s disease.
Gout attacks sound expensive to have, but what are their causes?
Before we dive into that topic, let’s try to understand what exactly a gout is.
What is gout?
Gout is a variety of Inflammatory arthritis that accumulates excess uric acid, crystallizes, and deposits in joints.
Uric acid is a substance that can be naturally found in our body, it passes through our liver and eventually
enters our bloodstream which can be eliminated in our urine.
Some of it moves through our intestines and balances its level.
When uric acid is overproduced, it does not get excreted in the body.
This process is also called hyperuricemia.
This can lead to several diseases such as gout.
Main causes of gout
Eating and drinking have been part of our daily life, from attending a meeting to just simply celebrating.
We do know that the main causes are our culture and way of living.
Alcohol – The night is never complete without alcohol, unfortunately, alcohol is the biggest culprit.
Instead of going home happy from a fun night, it can turn into a huge regret the next morning.
Lifestyle – The way we live our life has a huge impact.
Besides alcohol, diet is also something that we should look out for.
Eating seafood, high fructose corn syrup, rich in protein food such as meat and tuna.
Genetics – If your parents are occasionally suffering from gout, chances are you can have it too.
But if you have a healthy lifestyle, it can still make a lot of difference.
Medication – Some medications can also increase the risk of developing gout.
These are water pills or diuretics, aspirin, chemotherapeutic drugs, immunosuppressants, and many more.
Developing gout is possible if the person is suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes.