Lifestyle Dating

Male holding flowers

5 Witty Ways to Ask Someone Out

If you are one of the 51% of Americans who are still single under 34, maybe it’s time to step up your game and ask someone out.

More and more Americans are meeting online, and that is a good thing.

However, some people prefer to meet the old-fashioned way.

If you are one of those people, here are the wittiest ways to ask someone out.

These methods almost always guarantee a yes, so make sure you are ready to deliver.

Note that it is not all about what you say, execution is everything when asking someone out, especially in person.

1. This funny line

“Hey, do you want to grab a cup of coffee with me?” “Smile if you do, and do a backflip if you don’t.”

This line might not work on all people, but it is as witty as it gets.

2. When someone is looking at you

There are instances when you have already caught the attention of a person.

If someone is looking at you, you can say these lines:

“Hey, can you hold this while I go for a walk?”

Then extend your hand, and see if the person holds it.

If they do, you can start getting to know each other.

3. Ask for their advice

If you see someone you like, you can use this line to ask them out.

“Hi! Can I ask for some advice?”

If she says yes, continue with these lines:

“If I see a really cute girl and want to ask her out, should I go up to her or is that too direct?”

If she says, you should totally talk to her, say the closing line and introduce yourself.

4. Dress neatly and bring flowers

Dress your best and leave the flowers in front of their doorstep and leave a card that says you want to ask her out.

But make sure you are ready and have a date planned so you can take them out on a date then and there.

5. If it’s someone you know, just go for it

If you are about to ask someone you know out, just go for it.

Nothing beats being honest and true. Rejection hurts, but regret hurts more.

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