Fitness Meditation

Male athlete meditating with group

Can Meditation Relieve Pain?

Many people turn to meditation to relieve pain.

They don’t want to take pills and may feel their pain relates to an inward stress.

Some believe that meditation reduces stress and, therefore, will reduce pain.

What’s the best way to perform pain-reducing meditation?

Many think concentrating on your seven chakras can do wonders for pain.

The great thing about chakra meditation is that you can isolate your meditation to one or two chakras depending on the
pain you’re experiencing.

The 7 Chakras

It is believed that a body has seven chakras, or energy points that affect both physical and emotional aspects of our lives.

These chakras begin at the base of the tailbone and go up to the crown of our head.

Most think these chakras can lead to body pain if they become blocked.

A blocked root chakra could result in lower back or pelvic pain, cold arms or legs while a blocked sacral chakra leads to kidneys, bowls and reproductive issues.

The solar plexus is associated with stomach, pancreas and liver problems.

The heart chakra is connected to the heart, circulation, immune and respiratory systems.

The throat chakra is connected to vocal cords, thyroid and teeth.

The third-eye chakra is associated with sinus problems and headaches and the crown chakra is associated with fatigue.

Opening Chakras

Meditation can open chakras.

The key to it is visualizing certain colors associated with each chakra and allowing those colors to flow through your body in your mind.

For instance, blue is the color of the throat chakra so many people imagine a blue balloon getting bigger and eventually floating away.

Final Thoughts

The exercise of chakra mediation is a way to isolate and release certain stress in the body.

Done regularly, it can reduce pain by reducing inflammation caused by stress.

It’s a safe, non-drug way of alleviating pain so it’s worth a try.

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