Lifestyle Fashion

Clothing shoes and belt

Men’s Fashion Rules For Those Over 50

Older men aren’t the same as they used to be. Today, men 50 years old and older don’t just sit at home nightly watching TV and working on “honey do” lists.

Men in that age bracket are still at the height of their careers, going to the gym, involved with their kids’
activities and in the community.

Many are dating.

There is no reason why they shouldn’t look as stylish as possible.

The big question is what should they wear to look modern but not like they are trying to look young?

Here is some advice.

Don’t Try Young Styles

Men make two major fashion mistakes.

First, they never go shopping for themselves.

They either let their wives do it or they wear the same old stuff to work for years, decades even.

They are at a loss should they find themselves single again or trying to reinvent their career.

That brings us to the other grave mistake.

They look at blogs to find out what’s in style.

Most blogs are aimed for young audiences.

Forget the ripped jeans, untucked shirt and ruffled hair.

You don’t want to look like you just got out of bed at your age.

Allow Yourself to Change Brands

Your body changes over the years.

Brands you loved at 20 may not fit you so well now, even though you get the correct size.

Find brands where the clothes fit you well and you like them.

Have Go-To Items

Everyone needs a couple of outfits that are their standards in case you must go somewhere quickly and aren’t sure what to wear.

For men, this includes a few nice dress shirts, slacks and a jacket. It may also include a new suit.

Use Your Age to Your Advantage

It’s up to you how others see you.

They will judge you by your appearance.

That has always been the case.

Gray hair and some facial lines don’t have to qualify you for the early bird special.

The same older man can draw respect and sex appeal if he dresses well and takes care of himself.

Poise and confidence, some of which comes from stylish clothes, make him considered to be a leader, wise, and mature.

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