Fitness Running

Runner tying shoes

3 Steps to Picking Running Socks

Runners tend to focus on picking the right shoes for their daily trek but those who have been running a while say you should pay just as much attention to choosing the right socks.

Those who pick poorly will end up with sweaty feet, blisters and sore ankles.

Pick the Right Fabric

Experienced runners say the best fabrics for socks are natural fibers that are sweat-wicking and breathable.

It’s a bonus if they are also anti-bacterial.

The fabric of choice is merino wool but synthetic materials like nylon and polyester are popular too.

Socks that are 100% cotton should be avoided.

Pick Socks for the Elements

Those who plan to run everyday need waterproof socks to keep feet dry and warm.

They also keep you from slipping.

Odor-repellent socks also work to keep your feet dry.

Pick the Right Features

Socks today have many extra elements and you have a wide choice.

There are seamless, compression, extra padded around the toes, and socks with arch and ankle support.

Some socks even have anti-blister technology!

You may have unique traits like high arches or sensitive toes and should look for socks that fulfill those needs for a comfortable run.

How Thick Should a Sock Be?

One of the primary questions of new runners is whether they should wear thinner or thicker socks.

It is just a preference but it depends on how the socks feel with the shoe.

You don’t want a thick sock to crowd your foot in a running shoe.

The best bet is to try socks on with your running shoes before making a selection.

You can also buy several different types and experiment at home with a short run.

Final Thoughts

Buying a quality running shoe is important but quality running socks are equally important.

Otherwise, it’s like riding a name-brand bike with flat tires.

Your socks can help your feet feel great after a run so choose wisely.

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