Lifestyle Relationships

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5 Signs of a Serious Relationship

If you are in a relationship and never really talked about how well your relationship is going with your partner, you are probably wondering if it is getting serious.

If you are not ready to have the “where is this going?” conversation just yet, here are 5 signs that you are in a serious relationship.

1. You are not interested in other possible partners

If you are no longer interested in meeting other people or possible partners, it is a sign that you are in a pretty serious relationship that can go for a long time, and possibly end up marrying the person.

2. You met your partner’s friends and they met yours

Another sign of being comfortable with someone is when you have already introduced them to the people you are most comfortable with, and that goes both ways.

Without talking about where you are in a relationship, meeting each other’s friends is a pretty significant sign.

3. You no longer obsess a lot

When you think about your partner for over 85% of the day, it is a sign of a new relationship and might even feel like an addiction.

But when you think about them less and feel less obsessed, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

In fact, it is a sign that your relationship is going to the next level.

4. You can be together without having sex

People have various levels of sexual drive, and some couples continue to have constant sex even after they are married.

But if you are passed that honeymoon phase and can see each other without having sex, it could mean your relationship is getting more serious.

5. You are less jealous

If you are starting to feel secure and less jealous of your partner making friends with other people, it is a sign that you trust them and don’t have insecurities that could ruin your healthy relationship.

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