Fitness Meditation

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How to Release Chakras in Meditation

Meditation is an idea many are turning to to alleviate stress.

Those new to meditation may not know that releasing blocked chakras can improve your stress level but also help your health.

According to Eastern culture, your body has seven chakras located down your body.

Each one relates to a certain aspect of your life and body.

Your body and mind fail to function well when one of these is blocked by tension, stress, unforgiveness or something else.

Learning to unblock each of these elements can reduce your stress, clear your thinking and improve your life, according to this teaching.

Unblocking the Chakras

You can do several things to specifically unblock each of these chakras.

For instance, taking a walk or getting a pedicure will unblock the root chakra as both related to feet and grounding.

Meditation can be used to unblock all chakras.

To use meditation to unblock chakras, first start by sitting comfortably in a quiet, slightly darkened place.

Place your feet squarely on the floor

Breath in and out slowly.

Start by focusing on your feet. Imagine light going through your feet and your root chakra.

You can speak words that ground you such as “I am part of the universe. I have those who love me.”

Imagine the light moving up to your lower abdomen and moving through you as you focus your attention there.

Speak words of emotional healing.

Now, imagine the light traveling to your upper abdomen and speaking works of confidence to yourself.

After you feel some relief there, imagine the light going through your heart.

As you deal with your Heart Chakra, deal with negative emotions like unforgiveness and disrespect.

This is probably going to take more time than you realize.

Let the light move up to your throat and speak positive communications to yourself.

Think of the light moving through your Third-Eye, concentrate on wisdom and spirituality.

As it moves to the crown of your head, speak of imagination and spirituality.

Focus on clearing all those around you.

Spend some time concentrating on making sure your whole body is clear of bad vibes and your emotions are cleared before ending your session.

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