Fitness Crossfit

Male athlete exercise outside

CrossFit Gyms Move to Outdoors

The pandemic did a lot to destroy many group functions and one of those that suffered was CrossFit.

CrossFit, normally a fast, fun workout done in a gym group, saw a decline over the past two years.

Sweden Had It First

Fears of a virus, lockdowns and social distancing are to blame. However, the decline spurred a new trend in the CrossFit culture.

Outdoor gyms are now the hot thing you will see this spring.

Sweden is leading the way for outdoor gyms for CrossFit.

There are already more than 30 outdoor gyms in Stockholm.

New York City welcomed it’s latest outdoor gym in October 2020, in the midst of the pandemic.

Fitness trainers took over a vacant lot to start their movement.

The fact that this gym is in open air gives some fearful of germs a chance to relax and breathe.

CrossFit Works Outside

The overwhelming rule of CrossFit is that it replicates moves you would do every day anyway.

Producing a workout routine outside fits nicely with that idea as much of our everyday movement is outside anyway.

CrossFit is perhaps more versatile than other types of workouts, making it easy to move to a different location.

It doesn’t always require a lot of heavy equipment and things like small weights, balls, steps and other items that can be used are portable.

CrossFit WODS for Outdoors

Some workouts are great to do outside. Most of these developed by trainers are named after girls but they don’t leave you soft at all.

Here are two to consider.

The Annie includes 50 reps of double-unders and sit-ups before it moves you to reduce it to 40, 30 and 20.

This is a time workout so you will need to push yourself.

The Angie includes 100 pull-ups, pushups, situps and then squats. None of this is hard to complete outside and many outdoor workout areas have a pullup bar.

You will need to find your baseline to see how you improve over the months to come.

Doing these types of workouts regularly in an outdoor gym may not only get you some fresh air and different scenery from an indoor gym but may motivate you to do better.

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