Fitness Crossfit

Athletes performing kettlebell squats

5 Things a Beginner Should Learn for Crossfit

CrossFit isn’t for the faint of heart, although it can be just fine for beginners.

After all, most CrossFit trainers understand it takes time to get into the groove and are more than willing to help you as you try to master the workouts.

However, some may want to try some mini workouts before joining a CrossFit gym to test it out and see how it feels.

There are five solid moves that will give you a taste of what CrossFit is all about.

Standard Sequence

The standard sequence are squats, pull-ups, presses and a run.

These include 12 front squats using a barbell, 10 pull ups, eight push presses and a quarter mile run.

Someone doing Crossfit is expected to do three rounds quickly.

Lunges and Jumps

This combination includes 15 lunges on each leg using a moderate weight barbell and 60 jump rope jumps.

You are supposed to be about to do five rounds at a fast pace.

Push, Pull, Run Combo

Here is a combination that includes 10 push-ups, 10 pull ups and a half-mile run.

Someone training in CrossFit should be able to do five rounds of this combination.

The 10 for 10 Combination

This combo includes 10 kettlebell swings followed by 10 jumps onto a box that is between 12 and 20 inches tall and then doing 10 ring dips.

The added feature is to set a time for 10 minutes and do as many as you can in that time.

Tabata Combination

Push-ups and lunges are what’s in this combination.

The difference between it and other combinations is the Tabata allows you to perform for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 before repeating.

You are supposed to alternate push-ups and lunges for eight minutes.

What If I Can’t Do All That?

Exercise is about building up endurance. Start with one round to see how you do.

You can add an additional round once you feel comfortable with completing the sequence correctly.

Trying different combinations may help you improve your endurance and confidence so you are more
comfortable when you decide to go to a gym.

After all, then you will know what to expect and some of the terminology as well as some of the moves.

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