Those who have trouble sleeping should first try changing their bedroom to make it more conducive to sleep.
You may not realize it but some simple changes in your sleeping environment can induce quicker, deeper and better sleep.
The overall goal is to create a bedroom for peace and relaxation.
You will sleep better in a room that you find to be a respite.
There are five ways you can create a peaceful place for sleep.
1. Keep Work Out
A bedroom should not contain an office.
It also shouldn’t have things like computers, calendars or bills.
There shouldn’t be anything in your bedroom that reminds you of work.
2. Clear Clutter
Getting rid of clutter is the one thing that will automatically improve your sleep.
You may not realize it but clutter tends to make people anxious.
Invest in some storage, put things in drawers and hang them up in closets.
3. Invest in Good Bedding
Nice, comfortable bedding will help induce sleep.
That means good pillows, a good mattress, maybe a mattress topper, sheets and a nice comforter.
Nice bedding may cost a little more but it will be worth it when you climb into bed.
You will relax more.
4. Make the Room Cool
People may not think about this outside of summer because they want a warm house in the winter but keeping a bedroom cool will help sleep.
Most studies suggest that the best temperature for sleeping is 60 to 67 degrees.
Bringing in a humidifier can also help, especially if you have breathing issues.
Research states the perfect humidity is 30% to 40%.
A humidifier is the perfect companion in the colder, dry months of winter.
5. Make Your Bed
This may sound odd but making up your bed daily will help you sleep better.
This news comes from a poll from the National Sleep Foundation that found those who made their bed felt it
affected their sleep in a positive way.
Creating a good sleeping environment is one of the best ways to sleep better.
It helps you push away the day’s troubles and feel safe enough to rest.
Most changes aren’t expensive changes and are worth the investment for your sleep.