Wellness Gout

Male with joint health

Watch for Gout’s Warning Signs

Gout doesn’t just happen.

This is a form of arthritis that starts off with symptoms and grows worse over time if it isn’t treated.

Gout is identified by tiny crystals forming around and inside joints.

This is a type of ailment that primarily affects those over 30 years old and post-menopausal women.

However, men tend to be more afflicted by it.

Symptoms of Gout

Understanding the symptoms of gout can help you get to a doctor quicker and begin treatment faster.

Treatment includes medication but primarily focuses on nutrition as foods high in purines make gout worse.

Symptoms include:

  • Joint pain
  • Joint swelling and joints feeling tender
  • The joint showing shiny, red skin

Symptoms can appear as quickly as a few hours and can last up to 10 days.

There is pain as these symptoms continue.

This is called gout attacks.

Why Gout Happens

A buildup of uric acid in the blood causes gout.

This can be rooted in kidneys that don’t function well enough to get uric acid out of the body.

Once the build up occurs, the crystals cause a joint or multiple joints to swell, turn red and become painful.

The crystals are tiny and sharp and can be quite painful.

Some are more prone to gout than others. People who have gout in their family, the obese, diabetics and those with kidney problems are some of those at high risk.

Those who drink too much alcohol are also at risk.

Gout Treatments

Doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal medications (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, and colchicine.

Doctors may also prescribe that patients use ice packs on the inflamed areas.

Doctors will also prescribe medications, like allopurinol, that lowers uric acid levels as a way of preventing
future attacks.

A physician will also recommend lifestyle changes to help prevent gout.

This will include things like modifying your diet to include anti-inflammatory foods and have less high purine foods.

It will also include a diet to lose weight as that can lower your risk.

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