Wellness Prostate

Doctor speaking to patient

How is Prostate Cancer Treated in its Early Stages?

If you just found out that you have prostate cancer in its early stages, there is not much to worry about.

As long as you have an idea on how it is treated and you do the work to get yourself treated and make time for the treatment process, you can survive and live through the course of it.

You should know that:

Prostate cancer has many treatment choices, and you should know and consider them if you have it.

The treatments of this day and age are also improving and helping more and more patients with prostate cancer.

You should also know that getting second or third opinions from different doctors is a good practice, whether you have prostate cancer or not.

And even if you have prostate cancer, you can still live a full life without being terminally ill, as long as you treat it.

How is prostate cancer treated?

You can choose radiation therapy, as many doctors suggest. However, some doctors do active surveillance in the early stages.

You can get treatment or surgery later, and that is why some doctors suggest to observe if the cancer is
growing, getting worse, or if it is benign.

Surgery is another way to treat prostate cancer in its early stages.

The surgery aims to remove the prostate, and there are many types of surgery, such as Open prostatectomy, laparoscopic surgery, perineal prostatectomy, and more.

Radiation therapy uses high doses of radiation to treat cancer.

And it is an effective way to kill the cancer cells at its early stages.

Aside from these old treatments, there are also newer treatments that have proven to be effective, such as:

  • Cryosurgery
  • Proton beam therapy
  • Intensity-modulated radiation therapy

Which treatment is the best?

It depends on the stages of the cancer and what the doctors think.

The cases are different for each individual, so the best option is to talk to a physician or get different opinions.

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