Fitness Crossfit

Athlete picking up kettlebell

The Best Gear for Doing CrossFit at Home

Doing CrossFit does not mean you need to enroll at a class or join a gym.

If you are not serious about CrossFit and have no interest in entering CrossFit games, you can still experience the health benefits by doing CrossFit in the comfort of your home.

However, you will need the best gear to experience the benefits and to get stronger even when you are at home.

So make sure you prepare yourself and get the best gear available.

Here is a list of the best gear for doing CrossFit at home:

Weight kit

CrossFit is all about getting stronger, and the best way to achieve that is by lifting weights.

A weight kit is not like barbells, but they are rather like a big bag of sand you can drag, carry, and strap on.

When buying a weight kit for your home gym, make sure you get the best quality to avoid splitting it in half and making a mess.


A kettle bell is an excellent way to strengthen your core.

Unlike barbells, a kettlebell targets muscles that you cannot get to when simply lifting weights sitting or lying down.

Plus, some kettlebells can be adjusted quickly to weigh anywhere from 8 to 40 lbs.

Medicine ball

A medicine ball is an excellent piece of CrossFit that you can have in your home.

They weigh between 10 to 30 lbs., and they are small enough to store in your home gym or garage.

Weighted vest

If you want to train while doing chores and hit two birds with one stone, you can gear up with a weighted vest while mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, washing the dishes and more.

Plyo Box

A plyo box is perfect for doing CrossFit at home.

It is small and you can store it easily when not in use to save space.

Plus, you can get the most out of your cardio and agility workouts without leaving your home.

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