Sexual Health

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Can Regular Sex Make You Happy?

Sex or having regular sex has many benefits. It can be good for your prostate, it can cure headaches, and it can relieve stress.

But can regular sex make you happy? 

What is regular sex?

The frequency of regular sex can range from three 3 times to 6 times a week.

It does not matter how frequent it is in 1 week, as long as it is consistent.

That is what we consider as regular sex.

Does sex make you happy?

Sex can, in fact, make you happy and it is not  because it feels good.

It is because of the chemicals released into your brain.

The pleasure and satisfaction of sex plays a significant role in making you happier, and doing it on a regular basis can improve your overall happiness. 

However, there is one study that states you don’t necessarily have to experience pleasurable sex to be happy.

The research shows that simply having a companion or partner present and both experiencing the act plays a role in making you feel happier. 

Does regular sex with one partner make you happier?

Regular sex with one partner is more likely to make you happier than doing it with different partners or people you barely know.

Because sex can develop a bond and happiness for you and the person you are having sexual relationships with, you are most likely to be happier with that person. 

Although some men prefer having sex with different people, it does not make you as happy as doing it with one person you have feelings for.

In fact, a study shows us that you will most likely fall for someone you only have sexual relationships with, in other words, “friends with benefits.

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