Weight Loss

Pregnant woman stretching

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

You’ve had a baby and love being a new mom.

The only thing that really bugs you is the excess weight you’re carrying.

Sure, you gain weight in pregnancy but must it last forever like a jelly-filled inner tube around your middle?

There are several tips that doctors use to get new mothers back into shape.

These are important because your baby will be the recipient of your food intake if you’re breastfeeding.

It’s also important to help you ward off postpartum depression or alleviate stress. 

Maintain Realistic Goals

Every woman would love to immediately fit into their pre-baby weight clothes but that likely won’t happen soon.

In some cases, it likely won’t happen at all.

Pregnancy changes the shape of a woman’s body and some clothes will just no longer work. 

Accept that and aim to be a healthier, reduced you. 

Don’t Crash Diet

Crash diets are one of the worst things you can do because they mess up your hormones, along with a lot of other body functions.

You’ll end up more tired and frustrated than you have been. 

Cut Out Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates

This is a sure way to drop some pounds quickly.

Some women who simply cut out sodas lost a considerable amount of weight in a month. 

Watch Your Calories

Most people have a calorie intake that is way too high anyway.

Reducing your calories and coupling it with regular exercise will do a lot.

Focus on eating high-fiber foods.


Breastfeeding does so much for both the baby and mom.

Women who breastfeed tend to return to a more normal size than those who don’t. 


You can lose baby weight while learning how to be a great mom.

It involves watching your diet and taking some time out for exercise.

Improving your nutrition and getting some exercise will also improve your mood, your stamina and help you avoid depression.

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