Fitness Running

Athlete running

Can Running Help Fight COVID?

Two new studies show that regular exercise, like running, can help prevent you from getting COVID and also lessen your symptoms should you get it. 

The British Journal of Sports Medicine published a study where researchers showed that those who had
regular exercise before getting infected with COVID likely would not need hospitalization, ICU care and are less likely to die from the virus. 

Nearly 50,000 adult COVID patients in California diagnosed with COVID between January 2020 and October 2020 allowed researchers to look at their data.

Patients reported how much exercise and what type they did. 

The study revealed those who were regularly inactive stood a greater chance of being really sick or dying from COVID than those who worked out at least 150 minutes a week. Those who run are doing more than working muscles.

They are improving their heart and circulation by making both work a little harder and are exercising their lungs, filling them with fresh air, which is crucial in combating COVID. 

They are also gaining some needed Vitamin D from sunshine, which is also important in fighting the virus.

How Much Exercise?

Doctors say adults should do between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate exercise weekly and between 75 and 150 minutes of intense aerobic exercise weekly.

However, even simple exercise like walking 30 minutes a day for five days a week is helping to help build your immune system and fight off COVID. 

A National Institutes of Health (NIH) study linked consistent exercise with boosting immune systems, which can also help fight the virus.

The one factor in this is brisk exercise over low-impact or slow exercise. Those who were slow in exercise were more at risk for COVID than those who got busy with it. 

Obesity and frailty are also key in virus outcomes, according to researchers. 


Incorporating moderate to intense exercise into your schedule, along with vitamins, a nutritious diet, and weight loss will help your overall health and boost your immune system to give your body a fighting chance against the worst symptoms of COVID.

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