Many people believe that CrossFit is not suitable for beginners because of the injuries and risks.
It can be true on some levels, but if you have the commitment and patience, starting CrossFit is definitely a possibility for anyone.
Also, if you are into exercising and have developed some sort of passion for it, CrossFit might be suitable for you and we can help you get started.
Before we get started, let’s answer the burning question, “What is CrossFit?” CrossFit is a lifestyle. Basically, CrossFit is the key to health, fitness, and wellness.
To get ready for Crossfit, you need to develop a mindset. In addition, CrossFit requires commitment, so before committing to it, you need to complete this checklist.
Do some research
Make sure you read up on it and learn everything you need to know.
You can go on the CrossFit Website and understand most of what you need from there.
However, here are a couple of terms that you should know before you get started.
- WOD: Workout of the Day
- Box: Another term for the gym
- Metcon: Metabolic conditioning
- Amraps: As many repetitions as possible
You can learn more terms from CrossFit groups on sites like Reddit and more.
Visit CrossFit gyms
If you want to see what they are doing up close and personal, visiting CrossFit gyms near you might be an excellent way to start.
You will get an idea about the quality of coaching, the culture, the safety, and how the schedule will be like.
Sign up
If you think that you are up for it but still haven’t made up your mind, you can always sign up for a trial before committing.
In addition, some gyms offer free classes you can sign up for just to get the feel of it.