Sexual Health

Couple upset in bed

Why Has My Libido Suddenly Dropped?

Many known causes exist for low libido in men but most people don’t care about why their sex drive suddenly came to a screeching stop.

They just want it to go back to normal. 

Men must understand how they arrived at a decreased interest in sex get back to a place where they wanted and enjoyed it.

That means taking a look at some of the more obvious causes, and addressing any medical issues. 

It can be tough for men to admit they have a problem but seeing a urologist could result in an undiagnosed condition that can be remedied fairly simply.

Low testosterone

This is the most common problem when men lose their libido. Testosterone, produced in the testicles, is responsible for things other than your sex drive.

It also builds your bone and muscle mass and stimulates your sperm production. 

Aging is a common factor for low-T as your testosterone decreases some every year after you reach your mid-30s.

There could be other factors at play like abnormal hormone loss or an injury. 


Medicines are great for many things but they also come with side effects. One of those could be a loss of sex drive.

Some that are well-known for doing that include opioid pain relievers like oxycodone, cimetidine (Tagamet) prescribed for acid reflux, and specific antidepressants. 


While there are many jokes about sex while drunk, alcohol doesn’t help libido. It is a depressant and acts as a suppressor.

Heavy drinking over a long time can reduce your sex drive. Men shouldn’t drink more than three alcoholic beverages regularly, according to the Cleveland Clinic. 

Other factors can cause libido issues but these are the most common. Fortunately, they are the easiest to fix.

A doctor can help you work through any of these issues and create a positive solution for you that gives you a happier sex life.

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