Another yawn. Lost focus. You are still at work but all you can think about is getting to your bed.
Daytime drowsiness is a common problem but there are solutions.
First, you must figure out why it is happening.
Several possible reasons exist for daytime drowsiness.
Sleep Deprivation
It’s been shown in data that far too many Americans are doing without the sleep they need.
You may be burning the midnight oil and getting up early.
While that may have been fine in your younger years, it may not be something you can handle now.
Time changes and so does your body.
However, sleep deprivation exists more subtly. You simply may not be sleeping deeply.
Everyone needs deep REM (that’s when you dream) sleep to rejuvenate the body and mind. You may not be getting that.
Perhaps you are getting up in the night to use the bathroom, get a drink of water, or stretch out a leg cramp.
All of that contributes to sleep deprivation.
Sleep Apnea
This is a medically-noted condition that affects how we breathe while we sleep. Snoring is an indicator of it.
Some people stop breathing in the night and that wakes them up enough to breathe again. That leads to a lack of sleep.
Insomnia can be caused by several issues.
It could be connected to depression, anxiety, mental issues, medications, and several medical conditions.
What Can You Do?
Go down the list of possible issues affecting your nighttime sleep routine and fix the obvious ones.
Set a nightime routine.
Turn off electronics early and read a book to help you sleep. Go to bed at the same time every night.
Try listening to meditation sounds or sleep recordings to help you relax.
If that doesn’t help you sleep better, see a doctor to see if the cause could be medications, sleep apnea, or some other medical issue.