Lifestyle Dating

Man and woman on date at coffee shop

Need to Up Your Dating Game? Use These Tips to Turn Up the Charm

Finding it difficult to find a date these days? Not having any luck finding a match with online dating apps? Well, you might want to try to improve your flirting techniques. 

But remember, before you walk up to someone and flirt, it has to be at the right place and at the right time.

The ideal location would probably be at a bar, but there are some exceptions like at a bookstore, mall, etc. 

Open with a question

You want to open up with simple questions. It does not have to be a corny pickup line– because some people may get turned off by those– not unless they find it funny. Simple questions are OK, but it’s the way you deliver matters most. 

Let’s say you are new in town, and you ran into someone in the street– the best way to engage in a conversation is to ask them if they know any cool places to hang out. 

Use body language

Your body has to be open, meaning you should not cross your arms.

However, if you are a little uncomfortable– you can always come back with a smile. 

Don’t invade their space

Let’s say you met someone at the bookstore or a bar. And you kind of clicked and had a conversation. You should find a way to end the small talk and go back to your group of friends.

It’s all about timing, and you have to leave a little bit of mystery.

Give your number to them– not the other way around

And lastly, if you think you hit it off with this person– the best way is to find out is not by asking for their number.

You can give away your number, and if they accept– there is a chance that the person will call you. If not, then better luck next time.

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