Wellness Diabetes

Man pricking finger

Understand How Diabetes Affects Erectile Dysfunction

One of the negative results of having Type 2 diabetes is erectile dysfunction (ED). Erectile dysfunction prevents men from maintaining a firm erection long enough for sex. It can also be linked to other problems that diabetes brings like heart disease and high blood pressure. All of those associated problems affect sexual performance. 

There are some things you can do to resolve issues with erectile dysfunction and make life in the bedroom more interesting for you and your partner. 

Get Heart Checked

Keeping up with doctor’s appointments for heart health is important. Circulation and heart health are related to how well erections work so it’s worth it to maintain heart health.

Take Medications

There are several oral medications such as Viagra, Cialis, and Adcirca that alleviate ED. However, you also need to continue to maintain your other medications for diabetes, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health. 

Take Natural Supplements

There are many organic, natural supplements for erectile dysfunction on the market. This includes multi-vitamins and well herbal supplements and testosterone boosters. Be sure to check with your doctor before adding a new supplement to your daily routine. 

Natural supplements can also include adding certain herbs and substances to your diet. Many swear by wheat germ and flax season. 

Change Your Lifestyle

Some lifestyle choices make ED worse for those with diabetes. Being overweight, smoking, too much alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle all exacerbate the problem. Getting rid of bad habits, eating nutritious meals, and losing the extra pounds reduce the chances of ED and improves your health.. 

You can stop fighting with your ED and work with your body to improve the situation as well as your health. Controlling your diabetes with regular doctor’s visits, medication, exercise, and good nutrition will also improve your health in other areas like heart health and erectile dysfunction.

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