Lifestyle Dating

Couple upset on bed

5 Dates to Fight the Winter Blahs

The winter blahs might make you ignore your partner and binge on TV shows, but you need to  keep your love life spicy. Here are five outside dates to keep the flames burning. 

Take a Meal on the Street

Seek out the local food trucks in your city and walk there for lunch. Choose a different truck for each course and a tantalizing dessert. Try a portion of new ethnic food, or share your favorite grilled cheese. Turn on some music and find a sunny bench to bask in the sun. 

Find Treasures Together

Treasure hunting with your date is a great way to learn about each other. The local flea market gives you a chance to locate mid-century lamps, odd art pieces, or even tchotchkes you both enjoy. Buy a small gift from a vendor or if you’ve been a couple longer, it’s time to buy something together for your home.  

Zoom Down the Hills

Grab warm clothes and snow boots, as the two of you hit the snow-crusted hills for a thrilling joy ride. VOA News described tubing: “The great thing about snow tubing, as opposed to sledding, is that you don’t have to continually walk back up the hill after sliding down. Each snow tube has a tethered rubber ring that attaches to a tow rope or tow wire at the bottom of the hill.” Don’t forget to share a warm spiked drink by the fire.

Explore Together

Go to a part of your city you have not explored and spend half the day there.  Grab some coffee and seek out interesting architecture, bridges, or sculptures in the area. Snap some fun photos or videos! 

Build Sandcastles

If you are lucky enough to have a beach nearby, construct a gigantic sandcastle together. Stay until the tide creeps in and breaks the castle walls. Listen to the waves crashing while holding hands.  

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