
Fit woman measuring waist

Top 6 Weight Loss Diets as Voted by US News and World Report

As we make it through the early months of the year, it is time to start dreaming of summer, And when we think of shedding layers and getting ready for the beach, it is imperative that we get our bodies in peak shape. Here are the six top diets that lay claim to the most weight loss.

1. Flexitarian Diet

The Flexitarian Diet wins the day based on a survey by US News and World Report, but you may not have even heard of it before. A flexible approach to being a vegetarian diet, this system asks you to eat mostly vegetarian but give in to your meat cravings when they hit. This balance leads to a healthy amount of weight loss.

2. Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers is a tried and true eating system that consistently helps people lose weight. By counting points and not allowing any food to really be off limits, WW lets people live in the real world and still lose weight.

3. Vegan Diet

The vegan lifestyle seems strict to some, but it is an excellent way to lose weight and definitely achieves results. Not only do vegans not eat meat, they do not eat any animal products like eggs or cheese either. Nuts and lentils supply much of the protein, and this is filled with vegetables.

4. Volumetrics Diet

The volumetrics diet looks at a food’s density and energy output as you try to cut the energy density of your meals. 

5. Jenny Craig Diet

With prepackaged foods and food consultants, following the Jenny Craig diet is made simple for those who don’t have a lot of time on their hands. This is a great way to be systematic about your weight loss.

6. Mayo Clinic Diet

The Mayo Clinic Diet uses a food pyramid that emphasizes fruits, whole grains, and veggies, so consumers can live a healthier lifestyle.

There are many ways to latch on to a healthier lifestyle, and the diets above can certainly help you to lose weight safely and effectively.

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