Wellness Sleep

How Much Sleep Do Men Really Need?

Men are often portrayed as macho characters who do not need much sleep, but if the truth were known, they need a lot. Life tends to get in the way, with stressful jobs and changes like marriage, new babies, and divorces. Elderly parents and other commitments take time away, and sleep is the one thing that gets pushed aside. 

Gender differences

Both men and women need more sleep than they are getting. Women often need more sleep than men.  On average, women need about twenty more minutes a day than men. Experts say this is because their brains are more tired from multitasking. Other reasons women need more sleep include hormonal changes and pregnancy.

Recommendations for men 

Men are recommended to get eight hours of sleep. But the number is not perfect for all, with some people needing more sleep and some less. A good rule of thumb is that if you wake up feeling refreshed without an alarm, then that is the target number for you. 

Impediments to sleep

A perfect night of sleep is hard to come by. For instance, in our busy lives, people often take work home to get a jump on the next day. Between family obligations and house chores, something has to give, and it is usually sleep. 

How to get more restful sleep

There are some simple ways to get more rest. Choosing the same time to go to bed each night and wake up each morning is important to set your body clock. Avoiding caffeine and blue screens before bedtime is also integral to a restful night. Your body clock can be trained with discipline, and it would make your days more productive.

No matter how many hours of sleep you need a night, getting the prescribed amount will make you clear-headed and ready to tackle the challenges of the day. 

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