Wellness Sleep

6 Things Men Don’t Know About Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a potentially fatal disease that affects men more than women, and is often triggered by obesity. Sleep apnea occurs when a man stops breathing while he sleeps. This can happen dozens of times a night, and certainly affects the quality of a man’s waking hours. Men end up like zombies who have not gotten the chance to refresh and heal while they sleep. 

1. Linked to metabolic problems

Sleep apnea is linked to metabolic problems such as diabetes, as well as heart disease. Atrial fibrillation, heart disease and the risk of strokes can all be increased for a patient who has sleep apnea.

2. More common in men than women

Men are more likely than women to have sleep apnea: . The way they breathe, the upper airway anatomy, and obesity issues all play a role in this. 

3. Acid reflux connections

Sleep apnea can be related to acid reflux: Research shows that over half of sleep apnea patients also suffer from GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease. Studies also show that treating GERD also has a positive affect on a patient’s sleep apnea problems. 

4. Leads to high blood pressure

Suffering from obstructive sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure. Because of the constant starting and stopping of the breathing cycle, this puts more pressure on a person’s heart. This can lead to high blood pressure and a further need for invasive treatments. 

5. Daytime fatigue

Sleep apnea leads to excessive daytime fatigue. Men lose focus and productivity when they are not as sharp as they could be after a full night of sleep. 

6. Lost relationships

Sleep apnea can damage relationships because of the loud snoring that will annoy your bed partner. And the cure is often worse than the disease. A Cpap machine can offer relief for the patient, but the noise and cold air, as well as the decidedly un-sexy look of wearing one could cause problems in the bedroom. 

Although at first glance sleep apnea does not seem like a tragic problem, the many problems associated with this disease make it very difficult to deal with. From relationships to heart problems, your whole body can suffer with a sleep apnea diagnosis.

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