Lifestyle Dating

7 of the Worst Outfit Fails Men Wore on a Date

Going on a date? While you might not consider yourself a fashionista, it’s still important to put some effort into your clothing choices. Women have seen some pretty crazy things on dates, which we’re going to share with you so you won’t make the same mistakes.

1. Super tight jeans

Jeans are perfectly acceptable for a date, but choose wisely. Don’t pick a pair that sticks to your butt in hopes of showing off your glutes. (Yes, there are men who do this).

2. Wearing sunglasses indoors

Unless you have some kind of vision problem that requires sunglasses indoors, you shouldn’t be wearing them. They’re fine for a day at the beach or paddling around the lake, but certainly not for dinner or drinks.

3. Vintage looks

Wearing a velour suit from the 70s isn’t a good idea. Yes, you’re trying to make a statement, but try to make one that coincides with this decade.

4. Crocs are not acceptable

Under no circumstances are crocs an okay choice for a date. Women are not that wrapped up in footwear. You can wear just about any kind of shoe, but if you come to a restaurant sporting purple crocs, it’s noticeable – and not in a good way.

5. Sweatpants, um, no

Sweatpants, like crocs, are never okay on a date. Even if it’s movie night at your place, you can do better than sweatpants.

6. The open-shirt look

Wearing a button-down shirt is a nice look for a date. Wearing it with three buttons undone to show of your chest isn’t. (If things go well, you’ll have a chance to show off your chest).

7. Demin overload

If you wear jeans, that meets your denim quota. You can’t wear a denim shirt or a jean jacket with it.

Don’t ignore the weather

Your winter coat and hat might not be a showstopper, but showing up without a coat is more disturbing to women.

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