Wellness Sleep

Men Sleep Better Than Women: Here’s Why

Women are jealous of men’s ability to fall right asleep. To women, it feels like the second a dude puts his head on a pillow, he’s out. Nothing keeps you up; not work problems, meal plans, or grocery lists. For men, all of the day’s worries just slip away as soon as their horizontal. It’s like magic, really. 

So, what gives? What kind of superpower do men have when it comes to sleep? Here’s why men sleep better:


  • Men don’t do a daily replay


Women tend to replay the day’s event and worry about certain details that came up. Maybe the kids didn’t play well together or maybe she’s concerned about a big project she’s managing at work, either way, these things plague women at night. 

“A theory we have is that women tend to ruminate about things a little bit more than men do. Women worry and think about what’s happened during the day, and they’re not able to let things go,” said Helen Driver, a Kingston, Ont.-based sleep researcher and president of the Canadian Sleep Society. 


  • Men don’t have to deal with hormones


For women, their reproductive cycles can alter their hormones and interrupt sleep. Obviously, this isn’t a problem for men. 

“Women are more prone to having poor sleep around menstruation, during pregnancy, and during menopause,” Driver says. “Hormones can alter sleeping patterns.”


  • Men exercise outside more


Getting some exercise outside helps set your circadian clock, and it tires you out. Men tend to get outside exercise more often, which aids in their ability to fall right asleep. 

Research proves men do sleep better than women, and even fall asleep faster. Remember, if your partner is having sleep problems, try to be supportive. It’s not easy to function without a good night’s sleep. 

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